Hello There,


Matayay Karuna


A little about me

I'm an aspiring developer and current CS student at CU Boulder. I have a passion for learning and am always looking to discover something new. Some of my hobbies outside tech are skiing, video games, and long walks in nature.

My Work Experience

Student Software Engineer


June 2023 - Present

  • Fullstack Engineer responsible for developing a website to interface, monitor, and retrieve data from DAQ sites measuring VLF radio waves
  • Made use of Next.js and Tailwind.css to construct frontend
  • Leveraged AWS services including API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamodb to create a websockets API which allows bidirectional communication between website and DAQ sites
  • Setup and maintained a PostgreSQL database consisting of multiple tables that can be joined
  • Developed REST API using Express.js to link up website, database, and a Network Attached Storage server (NAS)

Some Things I've Built

Star Wars Hub

  • Firebase
  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Typescript

Star Wars forum that allows users to create, edit, and delete posts. Can also like and comment on posts. Post content includes title, body, and an optional image url.

Dungeon Escape

  • C++
Project Preview

This project is developing a single player Dungeon Escape game where the user is prompted to enter their player name and the names of four NPC party members. The player must then find a way to escape the dungeon and kill an evil sorcerer. Along the way they will be able to fight monsters, speak to merchants, find treasure, and solve puzzles. The game ends when either a loss condition is met or the player leaves through the dungeon exit after defeating the sorcerer.


  • C++
  • Qt
Project Preview

Standard two player checkers game. Game is played on a 8x8 board with 12 pieces per player. May move diagonally and can take enemy by jumping over them. Supports chain jumping. The game will end when one player has no more peices, neither player can move, or is ended manually. Logic written in C++. Qt Creator used for GUI.

Where's Waldo

  • CSS
  • Firebase
  • React
  • Typescript

Where's Waldo photo tagging app. Upon loading page a timer is started and the user must identify Waldo, The Wizard, and Odlaw by clicking on their character icons. Once the all characters have ben found the timer stops.

My Skills


SQL logo


Next.js logo


Dynamodb logo Supabase logo Websocket protocol logo

Contact Me


(719) - 480 - 1645

© 2025 Matayay Karuna